ELDERLY people entered into tenancy agreements with Burnley Borough Council which then transferred to Burnley and Padiham Housing, then to Calico for sheltered accommodation.

This gave many who were vulnerable, isolated and lonely the opportunity of a home that was safe and secure.

At home with people of similar ages, promoting a sense of community spirit, the warden being there eight hours a day for problems if and when they arose.

The feeling of safety knowing the warden was on the premises at night time (even though she wasn't on duty), a feeling of security. Pleasant and friendly atmosphere.

Calico changed all this in February 2007, taking away the full-time wardens and letting these elderly people down.

Calico, due to bad publicity I believed, put a part-time warden back nine till one, the rest of the time these elderly people are left with nothing except a pendant to press in emergencies. These pendants don't work either if the phone lines are down.

Calico should be ashamed of themselves and should give these elderly people back what they have taken from them - full-time warden.

MRS PAT KNIGHT, Manchester Road, Burnley.