It is quite sickening to see a peace activist shackled and pleading for his life.

It seems quite absurd that the kidnappers in Iraq who have abducted Norman Kember and others do know that this will achieve absolutely nothing to further their cause. If at all they have one.

It will only make the watching world realise that there are individuals in the country who have no respect for people of decency and humility.

Why kidnap a person who has come to the country to help those unfortunate people who have been affected by the slaughter?

Why seize a person who was against the war and is dedicated to helping others?

There cannot be any justification for kidnapping people like Norman Kember, what ever the cause.

Just like there was no justification for kidnapping Ken Bigley and all the other innocent workers and volunteers in Iraq who have simply vanished.

We will be told over and over again that the kidnappers are simply butchers and will kill anyone to achieve their cause.

They, as well as all the 'insurgents' are all part of the same evil enemy we must defeat at all costs.

I agree those who kidnap innocents should be hunted down.

But I'm getting confused who the enemy is and who we are fighting now.

The kidnappers, the insurgents, the Sunnis, ex-Bathists?

The cause, however, may not be as clear cut as we are led to imagine. Believe it or not Iraq is a country in the midst of a civil war.

We may not like to use those words in these parts but it's time to face the truth.

And when there is absolute anarchy in a country then kidnappers such as these will take full advantage of the situation.

These kidnappers are more likely to want money and simply put forward their unattainable 'demands' as a front.

It has happened in many nations before, but in this day and age we can see the full impact on our TV screens within minutes of it happening.

I have sympathy for all those people who are now suffering, even though they went to help the people of Iraq or simply to work there.

Let us hope this time the kidnappers have some mercy and we do not have to witness another innocent death in a bloody and needless war.

And finally, on a more positive note, I really think we don't give kids enough credit. I was invited this week to Hawthorns Junior School to do a small talk on newspapers.

I know kids have got inquisitive minds but some of the questions these boys and girls were coming out with had me well and truly stumped.

I think children know more than they let on.