IF we give up any of our rebate from the EU without getting more back in any deal, Mr Blair should think about not coming back to this country and living in the Eastern European country where he's been trying to get a deal done.

Why is it only a few months ago Mr Blair was saying 'No Surrender' on our rebate, but now he's all willing to give up some of it for a deal with the Eastern European countries?

Britain is already foregoing £137million from accession states annually under a similar policy agreed in 1999 which came into effect in May 2004.

If Mr Blair does gives up some of our rebate how much more would it cost us each year after that?

Mr Blair, you should think again before you sell us down the river as your party would lose the next election and maybe a few more after this as people would not forget what you and your party have done to this country.

A D GORDON (Mr), Brighton Terrace, Darwen.