MANY people criticise the work of the NHS. This letter is in response to those who complain.

On May 1 my wife, Ida, suffered a severe heart attack. I called for help to the Ambulance Service whose fast arrival and prompt first aid saved her life.

Having given the first treatment, the crew alerted BRI who were waiting for us.

Once in the A and E unit, the staff were both reassuring and comforting.

The expertise of the doctors, nursing staff and auxiliary workers ensured that Ida maintained her fight for life.

The doctors consulted the Cardiac Unit at Blackpool Victoria Hospital and Ida was taken there by yet another efficient ambulance crew for treatment, including open heart surgery.

Since leaving the hospital the care has continued at home with some wonderful treatment by the district nurses and sisters.

Our GP and his staff have continued with the same dedication to our well being, as have the hospital staff.

Our admiration for all those concerned cannot be said in words alone.

The dedication of our NHS workers has shown just how lucky we are, here in the UK, to have such a wonderful service.

ARPAD and IDA MAGYAR, Countess Road, Lower Darwen.