OH, THE pleasure of summer... going out for a drive, perhaps stopping off for a bite to eat while not forgetting to be courteous to fellow road users who also have the privilege of having to pay to use our public highways.

But there is an alternative way to travel along our roads and it is free. Ride a bicycle and you have the right to block the roads, riding five abreast, and you can also be as discourteous as you like if anyone has the audacity to sound their horn at you so they can get by.

These road oafs pay nothing to use the roads and they are either dumb or they consider them-selves so special the Highway Code doesn't apply to them.

Either way the next bunch of oafs who are abusive or damage my vehicle (which I have to pay for) I am going to think as they do - that is. sod you mate and stick two fingers up.

Please do not print my name and address - I do not want to be at risk of reprisals from these selfish people.

Motorist, Morecambe (name and address supplied).