A RANGE of Christmas carol services will be held at Blackburn Cathedral.

Music lovers can get a taste of the festive season at the Lancashire Evening Telegraph's concert on Friday.

Before the service, the Salvation Army Band will be playing seasonal music, followed by songs, poems and readings.

A short talk will also be given by the Very Rev Christopher Armstrong, Dean of Blackburn. The concert starts at 7.30pm.

On Tuesday, December 23, nine lessons and carols will be held, led by the cathedral choir, starting at 7.30pm, doors open at 6.30pm.

Christmas Eve brings with it a Carols at the Christmas Tree event from 4pm, for parents and children. Then from 11.30pm a midnight Eucharist starts at 11.30pm with Canon Galilee.

A range of services for all the family will take place on Christmas Day. Holy Communion starts at 8am, Parish Communion at 9am with Canon Hindley and the cathedral Eucharist from 10.30am with the Dean.

On Sunday, January 11, the epiphany county civic service runs from 6.30pm.