I AM replying to the letter about the black cabs on Penny Street (LET, February 2).

Has J Cafferty given a thought for all the people using cabs who are elderly or in wheelchairs and mums struggling with young babies, prams and shopping bags?

I wonder if she would like to carry heavy bags from Marks and Spencer right over to the Boulevard. On the point about them doing a u-turn I think she should take it up with the council because of all the changes that have been made - one way systems, roads closed for parking spaces and fancy artwork. -

Don't forget we have to pay extra taxi fares to get from A to B because of this. Also there are many times when there are no black cabs available and we have to stand in the cold, wet and windy weather while they are told on their radios to go back to Penny Street.

R SHORROCK, Redlam, Witton, Blackburn.