FOR those of us, who were, from the very start, against UK involvement in the attack on Iraq, the Hutton report can only be seen as a propaganda diversion and outrageously biased.

It deflects us away from what the inquiry should have been about -- 'Why did we go to War' -- into a savage attack on Press independence.

BBC resignations of chairman and manager from the BBC were totally unnecessary because the news that the intelligence document was 'sexed up' brought into the open the issue of the untruths given for our involvement.

Even Hutton admits intelligence people were 'subconsciously influenced' to give the Government's view and the document was re-edited by the Government.

No WMDs, no 45 minute attack, no involvement between Al Qaida and Iraq, the CIA reported. In fact, Iraq was no terrorist threat at all, they said, the list of the lies told grows and grows. Even US weapons searcher David Kay resigned and now admits it was all lies.

A full, and very open inquiry is what must now take place, no more sacrificial lambs -- Time for the real truth.

Time we heard why thousands of innocent Iraqis were slaughtered, why Hani Lazim a political exile from the Saddam regime, on a recent visit back to Iraq, found no telephones, electricity on two hours off four hours, little fresh water, widespread corruption and the US using former torturers in the Saddam era to run the new police force, why are UK soldiers still dying, why the UN and international courts are being ignored and who is benefiting from all this bloodshed?

Perhaps in a mercenary way we could ask what the £5million per day it is costing us all could be better spent on? (reducing council tax, NHS, help for young or elderly).

Or perhaps it is now time we regained the moral high ground.

GRAHAM CARTER, Secretary, East Lancashire Green Party, Kingsway, Lower Darwen.