FOLLOWING the meeting between Cliviger Parish Council and Leanne Sheradon from LCC Adult Education Department, it is proposed to run adult education classes in the parish.

Initially, classes in Spanish and painting and IT skills are planned. Anyone who would like find out more or register their interest in attending classes can contact the Clerk to the Parish Council on 832405.

TOMORROW night the CRaCA will hold their February meeting at the Fighting Cocks at 8pm. Representatives of Kettledrum FC, Burnley Grammar School Old Boys FC and a proposed team from the Gordon Lennox have been invited to the meeting to discuss usage of the football pitch at Mount Lane Sportsfield.

PARISH councillors, along with other members of the local community, have been invited to visit Matlock Bath in Derbyshire to view their community projects. The rural area in which the village is set is not dissimilar to our own, and plans are being made to take a bus load of interested parties on the visit next month.

AMONG complaints being dealt with by the parish council are: the filthy condition of the layby in Bacup Road; flooding of the main road at Overtown; damage to grass verges on the A646; fencing in Mount Lane in need of repair; parking on the grass verges in Red Lees Road; subsidence of the road surface by Mount Zion and overflowing sewer at Walk Mill.

THE Lychgate Appeal for St John's Church has received donations of £860 so far. As the amount required to restore the lychgate has been estimated at £14000, and the work needs to be carried out with some urgency, all donations or fundraising ideas would be gratefully received.

TABLES are still available for the Table Top Sale on Saturday, February 21, in Church House. For more information ring 421804 or 426354.