GRANDPARENTS can go back to school during a special open day at Turton and Edgworth Primary.

The school often holds open days for parents but tomorrow will stage its first day for grandparents who can sit in classes and try out the new technology. Pat Connell, of the administration department, said: "They can go to classes and be a pupil again and can observe all the new equipment like white boards and computers.

"In the afternoon our school orchestra will entertain them and they will have tea and coffee. We hope they will sit down and talk to children about how things have changed. We used to have a harvest day where children took food parcels to local elderly people but stopped because people felt guilty about accepting them.

"We decided instead to sponsor a child in the Third World, but the children started missing seeing the older people so we came up with the open day."

Pupils from year six will welcome the guests and show them around.