CROWDS of people made their way to Darwen Leisure Centre to hear a talk by two former punks who have become born-again Christians.

Dave Shore and Glenn Fox, now both 41, attracted an audience of around 130 people to their event entitled "Was ther' life after Darren?"

It explained what they had been up to since they became Christians more than 20 years ago.

The pair left behind a world of booze and mohican haircuts to join the church and have played a big part in helping to fight poverty in the Third World.

They spoke about their experience setting up an orphanage and clinic in Tanzania, which is staffed by four medically-trained Tanzanians and cares for 30 children.

The audience was also treated to an evening of rock music performed by Glenn and his pals.

Glenn, of Hargreaves Road, Oswaldtwistle, said: "It went very well and we had a really good turnout.

"There were a lot of people we hadn't seen for ages, as well as people from the church and friends and family.

"We had something to eat and myself and a couple of local lads did a few punk songs, with me as lead singer.

"I also put on a false mohican and then I gave a talk about going to Africa and working in the prison service.

"We did some more songs and then Dave spoke."

Dave, formerly of Dove Lane, left school with no qualifications and became addicted to alcohol.

He now leads a large church in York, where he lives with his wife Shelley and three sons.

Former punk Glenn, who used to live in Turncroft Road, Darwen, now helps to rehabilitate offenders through his work in the prison service.

The event was organised by the New Frontiers Community Church.