I would like to thank all those people who have kindly written to me expressing their support since the Standard Board's decision to bar me from being a councillor for three years.

Their support has helped me get through a very difficult few weeks and to begin to put recent events into perspective.

Throughout the Standard Board's inquiry, I maintained my innocence over what many saw as 'petty' charges which have cost local taxpayers' a fortune to investigate.

I greatly enjoyed serving the people of Hindsford for almost five years - and was honoured to be re-elected in May of last year with the highest vote in the borough.

It's tragic that a so-called upstanding panel of laymen has seen fit to prevent me from standing up for an electorate that continues to be neglected by Wigan Council.

It's also a scandal that I should be barred from public service for three years yet someone like Maxine Carr is about to be released early from prison on licence.

Even an illegal immigrant who killed a nine year old child in a car crash, recently escaped with a six month jail term. Yet I get a three year ban from office and my name dragged through the press as if I am no better than a common criminal.

It's a disgrace and local people know it! Like Westminster, Wigan Council has become increasingly out of touch with reality and in the words of Tony Benn, I am quite happy to turn my back on it and spend more time in real politics -- standing up for the people of Hindsford, Tyldesley and Atherton.

Some my hope the events of the past few weeks will silence me once and for all but in actual fact they've made me even more determined to get things done for local residents.

This isn't the last you've heard from Robert Bleakley.

Robert Bleakley

Former Councillor

Hindsford Ward

EDITOR'S NOTE - This correspondence is now closed.