WITH regards to your article regarding school traffic congestion I personally find it quite amusing. How can a headteacher from Salesbury School (yes, the extremely over-populated village of the Ribble Valley) be concerned about congestion?

The headteacher should visit Darwen Vale High School, Witton Park, Beardwood, Queens Park and many other COMMUNITY schools and have a look at their early morning and after school traffic problems.

As regarding your very own Mr Short's opinions re 4x4 bull horn vehicles, no doubt he is speaking about the private schools in the area. Well Mr Short, it is quite obvious you do not have any children of your own. Sorry but gone are the days when 'concerned' parents sent their offspring off on their half mile leisurely walk to school.

Yes, in your day all children walked to school but alas, those days are numbered. More and more children are not attending not their 'local' school but ones which are available or possibly more suitable for them.

Transport? Well, if parents have to work, more and more are taking their children before attending their employment.

Transport? Yes there may be more and more people on the road but how many workers could quite easily catch the train or bus from their habitat? Far more than your bull horned 4x4s, Mr Short.

But the article is yet again picking out the minority rather than the majority. How do you get to work? And is it really necessary considering there are other options which could ease traffic congestion?

Name and address supplied.

Pic of traffic outside salesbury school?