A VILLAGE has found the answer to its litter problem in form of its own volunteer womble.

Teenager Philip Greenwood lives overgound, not underground, but has begun wandering free around Read picking up rubbish once a week.

The 16-year-old's good deed, mirroring the activities of the TV characters from Wimbledon Common, is set to last for a year as part of his Duke of Edinburgh award scheme.

The Clitheroe Royal Grammar School A-level student, who is aiming for a gold award, is obliged to find a community activity to take part in for 12 months.

Philip, of Windsor Close, said his dad, David, set off a train of thought which led to him taking a binbag around the village every Wednesday afternoon.

He said: "He was out walking the dog and commented on just how much litter there was around and how someone needed to clear it up. I've done it for about a fortnight so far and collected quite a bit of rubbish.

"I found a whole bag of beer bottles the first week and then a broken umbrella, as well as the regular sort of rubbish."

Word has spread fast around the village.

But, unlike the Wombles, who remain hidden from humans, Philip has become noticed thanks to the fluorescent jacket provided by Ribble Valley Council. The authority, impressed by his community spirit, also pitched in with a litter-picking claw and bin bags.

Philip, a former QEGS, Blackburn, pupil, added: "People have said to my dad that the areas I have tided have remained tidy. Perhaps it was just a case of it being tidied up so it didn't attract any more rubbish.

"I hope that is the case."

Another element of the scheme is taking part in sport. Philip now plays football every weekend for Lammack Juniors in Blackburn.

Sheila Sturrock, clerk to Read Parish Council, said: "Philip approached us and offered to collect litter for a year as part of his Duke of Edinburgh Award.

"We have been having problems with litter in the village, so his offer came at just the right time.

"We are delighted. He's our own Womble and is a shining example to other youngsters."

Ribble Valley Council street cleansing and grounds maintenance manager Alan Boyer said: "This is a fabulous initiative and we have helped Philip all we can by providing reflective clothing, waterproofs, litter-pickers and bags.