(The following article was written by Richard Jones and is used with his permission.) I'm writing this on Easter Sunday afternoon; a little drowsy following a lovely Sunday lunch - and a very early start!

A six o'clock service doesn't sound unusual until you realise it was held at six o'clock in the morning and culminated in a climb to the top of the hill above Mellor in the snow!

There, in the cold clear morning air, Archdeacon John lead some 35 of us in celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and in offering Easter prayers for the people of the village and the rest of Lancashire.

Afterwards, the youngsters snowballed and slid their way back down the hill and we all returned to the Narthex for a champagne breakfast!

Today's celebrations topped a memorable Holy Week during which many of us have felt moved and energised by a wonderful variety of services.

Palm Sunday's illuminating and thought provoking Parish Communion was celebrated by Dean Christopher; who brought to life our Lord's entry into Jerusalem on a donkey.

Having selected a "donkey" from the congregation, Dean Christopher asked everyone to follow it procession around the church; holding palms and singing.

Palm Sunday evening was marked by a performance of Stainer's stirring Crucifixion; which we in the choir enjoyed singing as part of the Holy Week programme of worship.

Maundy Thursday's evening Eucharist was extraordinary and dramatically moving.

Archdeacon John evoked the last supper and the events leading to our Lord's condemnation and execution; summoning us all into circle around the altar to pass the bread and wine from neighbour to neighbour.

As the end neared, Archdeacon John removed his vestments and instructed us in the choir to remove ours.

He proceeded to strip everything but a single lit candle from the altar and its surroundings - all this to symbolise the stripping of our Lord before his crucifixion.

We left the church in silence and darkness with the sound of nails being hammered still ringing in our ears.

The Good Friday morning Devotions, again lead by Archdeacon John, offered us a quiet opportunity to reflect on the central importance to all Christians of our Lord's suffering, death and eventual resurrection.

Having lead us up the hill at 6.00am and celebrated Holy Communion at 9.00 am, Archdeacon John was with us once more at 10.30 to celebrate our Parish Communion with energy and enthusiasm; leaving us uplifted and joyful at the good news of Easter.

So - what a week it's been!

For me, and I'm sure for many other parishioners, it was both memorable and moving; and for this and for their commitment to our parish during our time of change, I would offer thanks to Archdeacon John and Dean Christopher.

Richard Jones