PLANS have been unveiled for a school extension to stop overcrowding problems at meal times.

A planning application has been lodged with Hyndburn Council proposing a single storey dining room extension at St Christopher’s Church of England high school in Church.

School bosses say the scheme will address overcrowding issues at school meal times and to allow for the intake of pupils at breakfast and after school clubs.

A spokesman said: “The addition of the proposed extension will allow the school to accommodate current pupil numbers throughout the school day and provide space and facilities to ensure children can be adequately supported.

“Currently lunchtimes are held in the existing dining hall which is almost 50% deficient of space requirements to meet current pupil needs which means that pupils are forced to eat in classrooms. Before and after school clubs are severely hampered owing to the limitations of the existing hall being in use at these times.

"There are currently 120 parking spaces on site, including six accessible parking spaces. The same provision will remain following the completion of the scheme.

"The entrance to and exit from the extension will be from a level approach, there is space outside the main entrance doors for a wheelchair user to stop and rest clear of the swing of the doors.

"The entrance has been designed to achieve a good colour contrast with the immediate surroundings, the entrance doors will be easily recognisable, well-lit and clearly signed.

"The route will be free of physical obstructions where possible, if they cannot be removed, then they shall be suitably guarded or highlighted to reduce the risk of injury to pedestrians.

"It is understood that disabilities are not just physical, they can also be sensory too. It is intended that within the scheme hazards to sensory impaired people be kept to a minimum, if they cannot be removed then suitable action should be taken to ensure that people are aware of the risk.

"This can be as simple as colour contrasting obstructions which may be a hazard to visually impaired users."