ANIMAL welfare bosses are urging owners to watch what and how much their pets are eating after taking in a number of pets whose weights have dangerously ballooned.

The RSPCA is raising awareness of the problem after caring for several obese animals who arrived into their care severely overweight.

Cases include one fat cat called Poppy, who arrived into the RSPCA weighing more than six kilos.

RSPCA pet welfare expert Dr Samantha Gaines said: “Pet obesity is a serious welfare issue affecting a large proportion of our pets today.

“Recent studies have suggested that around half of all pet dogs are overweight and this can cause serious health and welfare issues for them such as heart disease and diabetes.

“Obesity can affect all types of pets and the main cause is from eating too much or not exercising enough. As a rough guide for dogs and cats - you should be able to see and feel the outline of their ribs without excess fat covering them. Other tips are that you should be able to see and feel their waist and it should be clearly visible when viewed from above. Anyone who is concerned about their pet’s weight should speak to their vet for advice.”

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