THE average North Westerner moves four times in a lifetime according to new research from energy company E.ON, enduring three months and three weeks of move-day stresses and strains on each occasion.

The new research surveyed adults in the North West who’ve moved home in the last three years. It reveals that moving home is so tough that it actually tops the list of life’s most stressful moments.


Six in ten people (63%) voted moving home as their most stressful life event, beating a romantic relationship break up/divorce (47%) and starting a new job (43%).

And whilst those in the North West are spending over 3 months on every home move, many people are never completely ‘moved in’ – with over a quarter (26%) admitting that some boxes still remain unpacked.

Misplacing possessions (30%), not being able to find essential items right away (30%) and realising furniture doesn’t fit (33%) topped the list of most stressful move day moments for those in the North West.

To help make move day as stress free and time efficient as possible, E.ON has teamed up with renowned life hacker Dave Hax to create Moving Day Hacks.

The video shows a range of innovative tips using only household essentials to help people move home quickly. The video was launched last night and has so far received 50,000 hits.


Borrowing a brew on move day

In an age where we’re glued to our gadgets, it may come as little surprise that for 5% of those in the North West, our first conversation with our new neighbour on move day is to ask to borrow their Wi-Fi code.

However, a decent brew is still the region’s move day essential; with over 2 in 10 respondents (21%) confessed to counting on their brand new neighbours to borrow milk, sugar and teabags for a good cuppa to ease their move day stress.

Half of respondents (50%) said having a takeaway lined up for the night they move in would help make move day more manageable, whilst almost a third (31%) said having a chilled bottle of wine/beer in the fridge would ease the moving day strain.


David Bird, Residential and Customer Operations Director at E.ON, said: “It’s no shock that moving home is one of life’s most stressful moments. There’s pressure to remember a huge amount of things – from carefully organising and packing up your home, to notifying your energy provider of your move and providing accurate meter readings. That’s why we’ve teamed up with life hacker Dave Hax to help our customers plan a quick and efficient move into their brand new home.”


Life Hacker, Dave Hax, said: “Moving home is undoubtedly a stressful experience, but there are plenty of hacks that can make the entire moving process that much simpler. Applying just a few of these tips will help to take the stress out of move-day, and enable you to have a smooth and efficient move into your new home.”


Tips from E.ON to ensure you have a smooth transition with your energy provider when moving:

1. Let your energy provider know that you’re moving and your move date;

2. Take your meter readings on the day of moving to ensure you’re billed accurately for any final charges;

3. Take your new meter readings in your new home and let your supplier know what these are, along with your moving in date, as soon as you can.