I read an article in a national newspaper about Preston mayor, Bhikhu Patel, stopping Christian carols and replaced them with Hindu prayers. The very nerve of the man. Who does he think he is?

England is multicultural. Whatever Mayor Patel says many Asians celebrate Christmas and I daresay will not agree with him.

Mr Patel said he wants a multicultural event instead of carols. We in this country have always accepted other races who build mosques here. But where could you go in to other countries and build a Christian church? You can't.

Mr Patel has no right pushing his religion down our throats.When I got to the end of the article, what do I find? Mr Patel only wants to send a delegation (made up of his family) to the village he came from in India, all at taxpayers' expense. Knowing the wonderful northerners I reckon he has a fight on his hands and it serves him right. Mr Patel is a Labour councillor trying to behave like his leader. I imagine Mr Patel thinks that the idiot political correct brigade will support him, but I should think they'll be shouted down by all right minded people.

Anne from Birmingham.