What is happening to the natural spunk of people in this country that they meekly bow down to the stupid, ego-inflated pronouncements coming from self-important twerps in town halls?

The list of thou-shalt-nots grows ever longer as our traditions and our culture, a remarkably tolerant one, at that, are slowly dismantled and I, for one, am heartily sick of it.

These diktats carry no legal weight; they are merely the spoutings of people who revel in their position, spoutings, that's all.

For heaven's sake, stand up and tell them to take a hike and hold your carol concerts. Get the local churches, OAPs, youth choir to sing and go and support them.

The kind of attitude displayed by Councillor Patel does nothing to help the multiculturalism he seems so devoted to; it's more guaranteed to get people's back up. Respect for one another is of far greater value to harmony than forcing this ridiculous PC nonsense on to us all.

Come on, Preston, get on your hind legs and do something to change things.There's a saying, 'O man of little brief authority as would make the angels weep'. Remember it.

By the way, I'm Lancashire born and bred and proud of it.

Patricia Duncan,

Learmonth Gardens,
