I READ your front page article in this week's Citizen about the Mayor of Lancaster who seems to accept parking fines as an 'occupational hazard'. My first thoughts were that 'it happens to the best of us' and that she should take it on the chin and pay up like the rest of us have to. But as I read on, I was appalled at the apparent cavalier attitude and thought the comment on the fact that she knows she won't be 'picking up the bill' very apt indeed.

Who do these people think they are? The rest of us either have to use public transport or pay ridiculously inflated car parking charges and then walk to our venue. If we were being chauffeured about, we would be 'dropped off' and our transport could then be legally parked until required again (or perhaps the Mayor has no faith in law and order in Lancaster and is worried that the car will get trashed whilst in a public car park). The whole incident raises two questions for me, these being:

1. Does the Mayor and her driver think that the law does not apply to them, or do they simply not care because they know that there will be no come back and that us, (the tax payers), will be footing the bill?

2. Are there any policies with regard to such incidents within our high and mighty council, or is it simply a case of 'its only £40.00'? I have worked for organisations where self drive transport is available and the rules were quite simple - the driver is responsible for the vehicle.

This means that, unless the incident proves to be outside of the driver's control, (and this incident is quite clearly within the driver's control), then the driver would be responsible for meeting the cost of any fine etc out of their own pocket and would probably also be subject to disciplinary action.

This is not the sort of example that I would expect from a leading public figure. I hope that some form of 'conscience' prevails and that either the Mayor or her driver accept responsibility for their action and pay the fine out of their own pockets.

Enough of the ratepayers' money in this town is squandered without having to pay for the privilege of illegal parking in order to prevent our dignitary's taking a short walk.

Perhaps they should listen to one of their senior party members, John Prescott, then again perhaps not.

Richard Parker

Victoria Parade


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