Residents have spoken out after two women were filmed dumping rubbish under a car before driving off in a brazen act of littering.

The women can be spotted parking up at a notorious fly-tipping spot on Whalley Range, close to the junction with Whalley New Road in Blackburn.

The incident happened at around 6pm on Thursday (May 9).

One exits the car, carrying what appears to be takeaway rubbish. As she walks around to the other side of the car the driver encourages her to tuck the rubbish under the Mercedes.

They leave the car parked up and then return to drive off leaving the rubbish on the street.

It is not the first time footage like this has been captured by a resident in the area. Previously, a group of young people were seen dumping discarded takeaway rubbish on the street before driving off.

Residents have bemoaned 'irresponsible' visitors to the area who discard takeaway boxes late at night having bought them from nearby shops.

Men slammed by residents for 'disgusting' and 'brazen' littering

A resident said: “That is disgraceful. It appears the mother of the younger woman is setting the example here and encouraging the passenger to throw the rubbish under the car.

“How hard is it to take this away with you? It is shocking how lazy people can be.”

Blackburn car park's new CCTV crackdown on car litterers

Councillor Shaukat Hussain, who is also assistant executive member for environment has long campaigned for further action on the issue in the area.

Around the corner, a new state-of-the-art camera aimed at deterring would-be litterers and fly-tippers who have blighted the Ash Street car park area led to a number of people being fined.

Cllr Hussain said: "In this case I do not understand why they would just not take the rubbish home.

"I understand the incident has been reported and is being looked into. This type of action needs to stop and is a major concern for residents who live in the area."
Just this week it was reported there was a growing issue of litter on verges on main roads. In April 2020 and March 2022, 45,000 bags of rubbish weighing 451 tonnes were collected from the M6 motorway.

Meanwhile, Keep Britain Tidy is rolling out its 'Don't be a Tosser' anti-litter campaign to urge councils to remind drivers of the £150 litter fine and that littering is anti-social. 

To help would-be litterers think twice, Clean Up Britain is campaigning for fines to be drastically increased to £1,000 and six points on a drivers’ licence when they have littered on the move.